Monthly Meeting at Piccolo's 7-15-2014

Here Mike Cline, the speaker for the evening program, talks with Ron Remy who is a new member who came to his first meeting.  Later in the meeting Mike gave an excellent Power-Point presentation about headlights.   We all learned some…

Here Mike Cline, the speaker for the evening program, talks with Ron Remy who is a new member who came to his first meeting.  Later in the meeting Mike gave an excellent Power-Point presentation about headlights.   We all learned something useful about our Triumph lights and Mike gave some good tips that we can follow to be sure our lights are as good as they can be.

Mikes excellent talk, together with the great turnout of 28 members, made this a very successful meeting.

In the photo below  Ralph M. talks with Janet C. and Debbie B.

        posted by Gordon K., 7-16-2014

Ralph Janet Debbie 7-15-2014.jpg