RMTC’s Board & General Meetings
Board meetings - The Board meets monthly to discuss club business, events, budgeting, operations and any new ideas brought up by membership.
RMTC’s Board Meetings…
RMTC Board Meetings Are held at The New York Deli News, 7105 East Hampden Ave. Denver each 1st Monday of the month. We start to gather around 6 PM in the back alcove, meeting starts at 7 PM.
General meetings - General membership meetings are quarterly, with a social atmosphere over dinner. Updates from the board are presented, as well as open discussion regarding plans for the club, events, drives etc. It is not uncommon for guest speakers/presenters to attend as well.
RMTC’s general Meetings…
RMTC Genereal Meetings are held normally at The New York Deli News, 7105 East Hampden Ave. Denver, though if that's not the case it shall be announced via Facebook and, Instagram, every other month on the 1st Wednesday. We start to gather around 6 PM in the back alcove, meeting starts at 7 PM.