St Francis Car Show and Klie's Farm, May 10th, 2014

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Above photo shows the British Car lineup of 9 cars.  This annual event was attended by Bob & Jo Ann Klie, Ken Kalin, Jeff & Marla Otto, David & Arlene Bosh,  Andy DeVisscher and his brother Robert, Terry Hughes, Mark & Debbie Bosler, and Scott & Laura Augustine in their MGB-GT.  The Boslers TR6 and Andy’s TR4 and his GT6 all won show awards.  Andy is shown below getting one of his awards 

After the show a cookout was held at the Klie’s farm Saturday night but it was getting colder and windy.  Most members stayed overnight and got home Sunday before the roads became slippery.

Details and photos provided by Andy

                                                                                   posted by Gordon K.  5-12-2014

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